Tuesday, December 30, 2014

On Learning

On my Facebook feed, I saw a link to a short video that talks about curiosity and science. Curiosity feeds scientific exploration, yet the way science (as a subject) is sometimes taught tends to kill that vital element.

Here it is, short and sweet:


It reminds me of a classic TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson. He talks about creativity rather than curiosity, but he makes the same assertion that the educational system has the capability to kill it as well.

Whether or not I decide to homeschool or to take advantage of the public school system, curiosity and creativity are vital qualities in my children that I want nurtured. I do not want them to lose these capabilities because I believe that any meaningful and long-term learning will come through curiosity and interest in the subject. I also believe that the problems of the future will require more creativity than memorization.

I believe keeping this alive in my children may be more difficult (but not impossible) in the public school system, and that if that is the decision we make, it will take more effort and involvement to prevent the loss of these important abilities.

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