Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Breakfast

Okay, It's slightly early for Christmas, but we had various family members passing though who weren't actually going to be here for the big day. It was bit of a spontaneous (read "poorly planned") idea, and so it was quite a ride trying to get everybody here before they scattered off to their various destinations.

I decided to try my hand at Belgian Waffles, and after putting out a desperate plea on Facebook, I was able to find a neighbor kind enough to let me bother her at bedtime to come borrow the waffle iron.

I whipped up a batch last night after the kids were in bed so I could be sure I wasn't setting myself up for a massive failure. Luckily the recipe was not only incredibly delicious, but easy enough that I didn't screw it up, even under the spontaneous circumstances I put myself under.

Because it was snowy this morning, I woke up later than usual (because I'm too lazy for an alarm clock, even when I have morning plans) and skid into Walmart with my peacock wild bedhead for some last minute ingredients.

I served them alongside bacon and cubed hash browns (which I had sliced and boiled the night before) and topped off with strawberries, whipped cream (from a can, because it's more fun that way!), and syrup. We also had juice and a hot chocolate bar.

It was a big hit, and I'm glad to say everyone went back for seconds and/or a plate for the road.

My sexy man was an amazing help in getting everything ready this morning, and I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without him. Plus, I think he might let me pick up my very own Belgian Waffle iron now.

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