Friday, January 23, 2015

Living Alternatively = Living Dangerously?

An interesting case has been in the news lately about an Arkansas family who had their 7 children placed in state custody over concerns from neighbors and from the state.

Now, I don't know much about this situation, and they may very well need to have their children in state protection.


It's also possible that choosing an alternative lifestyle, that is not understood or approved of by mainstream culture, is a dangerous way to live, and will bring you into the scrutiny of the law.

None of the following examples pertain to the story, but are thoughts and concerns I've had as I've read and wondered about various aspects of Alternative Living for myself.

- IF you decide to have your babies at home, rather than in a hospital, COULD you be accused of endangering your child, or failing to provide necessary medical care?

- IF you decide to use alternative health measures such as herbs, vitamins, prayer, or whatever, or refuse a certain treatment, or seek a second opinion, COULD you be accused of medical neglect?

- IF you decide to raise your children religiously, COULD you be accused of teaching them intolerance/prejudice/inequality?

- IF you decide to homeschool your children, COULD you be accused of neglecting their education?

- IF you have a family farm, garden, or homestead....or IF you have your children help with vehicle maintenance, home repair, etc. COULD you be accused of violating child labor laws?

- IF you grow, can, ferment, dehydrate, and prepare a significant amount of your own food, or drink your own raw milk, or make your own raw yogurt and cheese, or if you butcher your own animals for food, COULD you be accused of exposing your child to an "unsafe" food supply?

- IF you practice living off the grid and securing your own water and electricity, or if you build your home and/or outbuildings out of alternative materials such as tires or cob, COULD you be accused of allowing your children in an "unsafe" environment because they aren't up to code?

- IF you have compost worms under your sink, or grow meal bugs for your chickens, or use your own compost or even humanure on your plants, COULD you be accused of having your children live in a dirty environment?

- IF you allow your children to play outside without your supervision, COULD you be accused of neglect?

- IF you decide to teach your children how to handle a firearm, COULD you be accused of child endangerment?

- IF you discipline your children through spanking, COULD you be accused of child abuse?

My point is that really, if it's not what everyone is doing, if you decide to live in a different manner than the norm, (regardless of the actual or perceived risk involved) you are essentially painting a target on your back, especially if you have children. Even if you've evaluated the risks and feel that you are living your alternative lifestyle in a safe and responsible way, you have no control over how your neighbors and law enforcement will view your decision.

And that is a dangerous way to live. 

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