Wednesday, December 30, 2015

On the Horizon

So I have this fear that eventually pedophilia will become tolerated, then accepted, then decriminalized, and possibly when the world really goes to Hell in a hand basket, legalized.

I know, it sounds crazy, right?

But there are already sympathetic stories creeping around on the horizon.

If I notice them, I'll link to them here, just for references sake.

There was one a while back that I don't have the inclination to go looking for just now, but it was about a trans-gender and trans-aged individual who claimed to be a 6 year old girl who also just happened to have a sexual relationship with the person identified as the adopted dad. Granted it's not exactly pedophilia, but it is role-playing, and when you start acting like age is something you can identify however you want to, you are really destroying any and all arguments against pedophilia.

Anyway, I just noticed this today:

It's rather unremarkable. Someone who is a pedophilia sympathizer is denied a teaching certificate. Good job gatekeepers.

But the troubling thing is the sympathetic tone of this human-interest piece, and acting like he was treated wrongfully.

Expect to see more of these human-interest articles in regards to pedophilia. They will start making the rounds, and some will start becoming desensitized to the idea that PEDOPHILIA IS WRONG. 

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