Wednesday, December 30, 2015

On the Horizon

So I have this fear that eventually pedophilia will become tolerated, then accepted, then decriminalized, and possibly when the world really goes to Hell in a hand basket, legalized.

I know, it sounds crazy, right?

But there are already sympathetic stories creeping around on the horizon.

If I notice them, I'll link to them here, just for references sake.

There was one a while back that I don't have the inclination to go looking for just now, but it was about a trans-gender and trans-aged individual who claimed to be a 6 year old girl who also just happened to have a sexual relationship with the person identified as the adopted dad. Granted it's not exactly pedophilia, but it is role-playing, and when you start acting like age is something you can identify however you want to, you are really destroying any and all arguments against pedophilia.

Anyway, I just noticed this today:

It's rather unremarkable. Someone who is a pedophilia sympathizer is denied a teaching certificate. Good job gatekeepers.

But the troubling thing is the sympathetic tone of this human-interest piece, and acting like he was treated wrongfully.

Expect to see more of these human-interest articles in regards to pedophilia. They will start making the rounds, and some will start becoming desensitized to the idea that PEDOPHILIA IS WRONG. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I'm posting this link here so if I ever go looking for it, I can find it.

Hackerschool Soylent by Cooking for 20

I've been trying this as a breakfast shake for a while now, and I LOVE the way I feel when I'm on it. I feel like I'm more motivated and energetic. Of course getting a well rounded dose of nutrients as opposed to a left over slice of pizza in the morning will do that for you.

I use it as a breakfast meal because I'm too lazy to actually make something decent to eat in the morning. Cold cereal is awful, and I never feel satisfied when I go that route. Before Soylent, I would usually not really eat breakfast, unless it was the aforementioned left over pizza...or cake...

I think it's a pretty good alternative to actual healthy food all things considering.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Homemade Hair Gel

I had already cut my hair short(ish). It was in an asymmetrical bob, which, although I liked, was still not exactly what I was looking for.

So, a month or two ago I pulled out my hair clippers and #8 guard and did this:

Freshly cut for the first time. No gel yet.

Luckily my social circles were supportive of me making such a dramatic change, and I like it a lot better than I thought I would. So basically I don't feel very self conscious about it, which I thought that I might. And man, it felt good!
Anyway, I'm still working with the exact cut that I want. Part of the reason I wanted to do it was because it's a style that I can cut and maintain by myself without visiting a stylist every 6 weeks or so. Talk about freedom! Also it's super easy to take care of. Can I just say that men have it good?

This gel covered my color too much. It also turned to white powder when disturbed.

One thing I didn't get before was why on earth my Sexy Man was so particular about his hair products. I was rather confused why he was so broken-hearted when Fructis discontinued his favorite pomade.

Now I know.

Looking for the right gel is annoying. You have to buy a whole tub(e) just to try it once and realize it isn't right for what you want. And one gel that might work at the beginning of your haircut might drastically lose it's effectiveness or look once you get a few weeks of growth going on. Then there's the ones that get that white powder look if after they dry and get ruffled around a little.

So what's a girl to do? Make your own of course!

I found this recipe for a Flaxseed Hair Gel online. It's supposed to be for ladies with long curly hair, which is not exactly (by which I mean "not at all") me. But I decided to give it a try anyway.

Basically you take some flax seeds and boil them in some water for a while. Strain out the seeds, throw it in the fridge and wha-la! Hair gel.

So how is it?

Well...once you get past the egg white texture...(Seriously. The stuff is like troll snot!) 

Texture aside, it has a light brown tint from the flax seeds, but surprisingly, I feel like it maintained my natural hair color better than other gels I've used, which tend to make it look darker than it is. (Note: my color is important to me. If it's wet-looking it just looks brunette, but it's naturally a nice color of auburn, and I want that to show through.) I'm not sure if the tint would be noticeable or not on lighter hair.

It even helps it look shinier, but in a healthy way. It doesn't look greasy like I expected it might.

I can let it dry and it will hold a crispy look if I want it to. Or I can ruffle it up a little for a softer look that still holds the shape I'm after.

Trying out homemade flaxseed gel.

I added in a few drops of essential oil just because I could, but strictly speaking it's not necessary.

On the down side, apparently it's best to keep it in the fridge because it can go bad. Bummer. That combined with the effort to make the stuff, and keep making it every couple of weeks might mean it might not be a forever solution, although I'm pretty happy dealing with that for now considering I haven't found a commercial product that suits me yet.

Interestingly, even though short hair tends to be more of a masculine feature, I've felt less frumpy since buzzing it all of. I also have been more motivated to wear makeup and earrings and I think overall I feel and look better with a pixie than I did with long hair. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

KonMari and My Wardrobe

I'm not sure where I came across it, and what made me feel like I needed to buy it so badly, but I found this book and bought the Kindle version a few weeks ago.

It is called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I've read through it and am seriously excited to put it into practice.

I'm at a bit of a standstill for the moment, because we are living out of town for the summer for a job. But, while I was cleaning out the house in preparation to go, I did notice how fresh and light everything felt when I finished with an area. So the good news is that at the end of the summer, we will get to move back into our home with a fresh eye and a large majority of the clutter already out of the house. Woot woot!

The bad news is that all the clutter is stuffed floor to ceiling in our garage.

I did try a modified version of KonMari on my clothes. I know you're supposed to do it a certain way, but it was impossible for me to implement in its fulness at that time. You see, you are only supposed to keep the things that bring you joy. wardrobe situation has been anything but joyful for a very long time.

I don't like to shop. So I don't. So most of my clothes come to me by way of other people's cast offs. (Which I have been very thankful for!) I am happy that I have had them, that they came conveniently to my doorstop, and that I did not have to spend the time and money to purchase them myself. I think there were a half a dozen shirts in my closet that I have purchased for myself in the last 9 years, and those were for special occasions or from gift cards (or family members offering to get me something for my birthday). Maybe one or two I picked up out of the blue because I was so desperate to get something for myself.

The problem with getting clothes in this way is that things tend not to fit very well sometimes (this problem is compounded by my recent pregnancy and current postpartum weight fluctuations) and that I have a very poor understanding of what my style preferences are. Simply put, I don't know what kind of clothes and colors that I actually like.

Anyway, The total number of clothes in my closet that brought me joy was limited to 1 dress, 1 skirt, and 1 T-shirt. Only the dress actually fits right now.

I am not even kidding.

If I got rid of everything else, I'd be running around in the same outfit Every. Single. Day. So I made my criteria anything that wasn't damaged, that fit my body, and that I didn't hate. I ended up with this:

There were also a few things that didn't fit that I didn't hate. I thought I might slim down enough to wear them later, so I kept those but put them away. Here they are:

So...not a lot. (I didn't throw out any pants whether I hated them or not. I have so few that it was incredibly impractical to do so.)

This is all I kept. Everything else went away. And when I looked at how depressing my wardrobe was, and realized that I didn't even really like most of the items I could wear, it all made sense. It made sense to me why I feel so frumpy all the time and why I cycle through the same 2 outfits day after day.

Interestingly enough, as small as this is, I actually have been wearing a larger variety of things than before because they weren't lost in the jungle of other stuff that didn't fit, or was damaged, or that I hated.

Also, realizing how miserable my clothing situation is, I actually went out and bought a shirt! I got it at Wal-mart for $12.99, but true to the actual KonMari criteria, I love it! I feel good in it. It brings me joy. A week or so later I found another shirt that brings me joy for $3.00 at a thrift shop. So I now have one dress and two shirts that I love.

I'll be working on improving this while my husband has his summer job. Hopefully in the fall when I come back to KonMari my house back into shape I will have a decent set of clothes that I love to wear. Wish me luck!

Monday, April 27, 2015


I made sweet potato chips today. They are way too good! I probably should not make these again, for the sake of my waistline. I didn't look up any recipes, but then again, I didn't really need one. I sliced them up with the wide side of my cheese grater (my mandolin broke), fried them in oil, and seasoned them with salt, pepper, garlic, and paprika. With the natural sugars and the seasonings, I think they taste kind of like BBQ chips.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Homemade Cheez-Its

Just Amazing. I love, Love, LOVE these!

Even the little fingers could barely keep their hands out of them long enough for a picture.
I see more of these in the future. Much more. I may even have to get a fluted rotary cutter just for this recipe.


It's been a while huh? I'm totally going to own it. I've been in a grump, been in a frump, and pushed a baby out of my body, so I'm totally okay with whatever I haven't posted.

Also, in honor of my giggly baby-free belly, and ravenous appetite, I dug up this recipe and gave it a try:

I used the strawberry flavor. It's pretty darn tasty if I do say so myself, although I probably wouldn't eat more than one at a time. They're quite sweet!

The recipe says to roll it out and cut it out into squares or use cookie cutters after setting. I used a mini-cupcake tin, which gave it a shape that I liked (short of going and buying a mold somewhere). However, using this method necessitates the use of more take it or leave it.

I didn't have any powdered sugar on hand, but did you know you can make powdered sugar by putting granulated sugar into a blender. Sweet right? I might never buy it again. Just throw in a tablespoon of corn starch, a cup of sugar and blend away!

Just a note: I would be cautious trying to make this if you don't have a KitchenAid. I almost burned out my hand beaters making this beast. I don't think I'll be giving this recipe another go until I get a KitchenAid (after I get a kitchen large enough to fit more appliances into that is).

Also, I've never been much of a jello lover, but the fact that there is a blog totally devoted to the art of jello makes me curious to try a few more of their concoctions.